RBA Week 2022

Questions & answers

We haven't received any questions yet, but when Mod BeešŸ organized Beruani Week last year there were a few that were asked multiple times so she figured they may also come up so we answered them in advance. If you have any questions feel free to send a DM on Twitter or ask in CuriousCat.

What kind of works can be submitted?

Any kind of work is accepted as long as it focuses on Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt. The most common submissions are art and fanfics, but you can submit cosplay photos, video edits (as long as you are not using other's people's art without permission), music, recipes, crafts, short headcanons in tweet threads, etc.

Do I have to make one submission for every day? What if I work and/or study?

Donā€™t worry! You donā€™t have to submit art or writing every day. Even just participating one day is perfectly okay! We want people to have fun, not stress out about making a lot of content.

What is the expected quality of the works submitted? Do they have to be colored?

We have no rules regarding how ā€œgoodā€ a drawing has to be in order to be submitted. Full-color illustrations, sketches, black-and-white, lineartā€¦ Any degree of complexity is acceptable. For writing, you can publish a long fanfic but short-form fics/scenarios/headcanons in tweet thread are also good. As long as you are happy with it and are excited to share it with the community, itā€™s okay!

Can I post to #RBAWeek 2022 before or after the official dates (March 28 - April 3)?

Certainly! We will not be monitoring the tag before the event, so if you post it beforehand we will not RT it until RBA Week starts. There is a small chance it could get past our radar, especially if there are a lot of submission, so if that happens consider reposting or tagging us so we can share it in the RBA Week account by RTing it.

Is NSFW allowed?

NSFW is allowed as long as it's properly tagged and there is no explicit image in the tweet. In Twitter you can choose to flag the image so that it appears blurred until someone willingly reveals its contents, or you can upload it to an external service such as Privatter, Poipiku, etc.

Will you RT/share everything that is in the #RBAWeek/#RBAWeek2022 tag?

We (the mod/s) reserve the right to share/RT as we see fit. We may not RT submissions that don't fit the guidelines, that are not properly tagged/censored, or that may be too disturbing. In the end, we want this event to be enjoyable by everyone, so if we think a submission will be too controversial we may skip sharing it in the RBA Week account. Other users who independently browse through the tags may choose to share it with their followers on their own account. We have no control over what people use the #RBAWeek/#RBAWeek 2022 tags.